1.The Air Force's chief scientist, Mark Maybury, points out that there will be an almost infinite combination of contingencies facing drones.
2.He has worked as a researcher at Los Alamos and served as research assistant to the Chief Scientist of the Department of Transportation.
3.The project's chief scientist said Jupiter held the secret to understanding how all the planets including Earth were formed.
4."We have been looking at this for many years, " says Steven Duclos, chief scientist and head of material sustainability at GE.
5.Mr. Yang is the general designer, chief scientist and chairman of HeadCall.
6.The government has appointed its chief scientist to oversee the UK's reaction to any future volcanic ash clouds.
7.According to the UK government's former chief scientist Sir David King, these talks are the best chance for the world to agree a new deal.
8."We're seeing quite a varied surface, " said chief scientist Christopher Russell of the University of California, Los Angeles.
9.Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA, a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice.
10.Recognizing the Regent's chief scientist, they immediately genuflected and offered their salute.